summer school sucks. and i'm telling you happy birthday now because i know i'll forget to when it comes around. hope things are going good. catch ya later.
yeah. i dont do most of the shit we used to do anymore. i quit all of that. and i dont have your number anymore. and i have a new number. 92032332. give me a call sometime.
yeah, i don't drink or smoke anymore and i'm not a big fan of parties at the moment...i was thinking we could just chill and have a good time which i know we are capable of. I'd like to see Kayleigh as well. my number is the same 7332477. i'll try to give you a call soon...if i don't though and you get a minute...give me a call!
and i'm telling you happy birthday now because i know i'll forget to when it comes around.
hope things are going good.
catch ya later.
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