[This morning a set of writing will appear. The writer, one Homura Akemi, is obscuring the camera angle so she won't be noticed. Not because she wants to hide her identity, but rather the makeshift bandages around her body. She's still slowly recovering using the Soul Gem's properties, but it isn't a fast paced healing in the slightest
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She'll take a moment to ready a filter, opting to respond using the voice feature. And this one's voice sounds very similar to Kusanagi's, although the tone is rather different. It sounds much more mechanical, and there's no hatred in her voice. It's just... emotionless.]
Current location of target... Unknown. Probability of target's presence at current location... above 98%. [By now, she should definitely have revived, just as Homura said.
There's a short pause before she continues to speak.]
...Possibility of target using a false name... 93%. [The 7% error margin exists mostly because it is possible that "Kusanagi" may still use either that name or "Mu", but given that there haven't been any reports of new attacks, the odds point more toward her predecessor being "Noel" again.]
A false name? Like an alias or a codename? [That...doesn't actually sound too far-fetched. If this person was still in the village then they would certainly want to keep their name hidden. When she thinks about it, the attacker never did identify herself either...] Do you possibly know the attacker's name?
Affirmative. Designation of target... Dimensional boundary contact medium No. 12 Anti-Sankishin core unit, Mu.
Thank you. Do you know why she is so determined to destroy?
[Destroy what is a question still lingering in Homura's mind, but she doubts very little that Mu wanted to destroy in general.]
But she can't be certain that this is the reason behind Mu's behavior. So as long as she can't confirm it, noting that it's a possibility - even if it's one with a high chance of being true - is all she can do.]
Do you know who is issuing this directive, if she is not assigning it to herself?
[If she had any concrete information on who may have given her that directive - assuming she didn't simply change her directive herself - she would likely have said so already. It's possible that the Malnosso may have done so, assuming they had a hand in this, but... there's no way to prove that with the data currently available to her.]
I see. [...] I don't think I have anymore questions. I appreciate your to the point answers on this matter.
...A second attack is... possible. Caution is advised. [Homura already seems to be aware of that risk, but it still can't hurt to warn her again. Depending on exactly what state Mu is in, as well as a few other factors, it might be a fairly low risk, but it's there nonetheless, so... it's better to be careful.]
[She won't ask for a name either. It isn't very fair to not divulge her name and expect others to do the opposite.]
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