Recently, while working to make the "tools" I want Initiates to have if the work through my system, I found a way to create a "bell branch" from simple copper wire that worked out nicely.
The apple branch/bell branch/silver branch (it has many names) is the tool I'm suggesting for trancework with the IP, instead of a drum or something rattle. It's good and Celtic, and there's some lore to back it up. . . plus Yeats wrote a poem that talks about them, which is nice.
I was hoping that nine craft bells would be enough to get good sound, and I hope to do some trancework with the branch this weekend to find out, but I think that more bells are needed.
Still, the branch came out looking pretty nice for a first try, if I do say so myself.
It's a bit on the large side, though, for me to think about carrying it around, which I'd like to do. So the next order of business is to find a way to scale it down. . . which might also improve its sound and stability. (It's about 20 inches long in its current state.)
So, that's my first attempt at creating a bell branch.