Ooh, a reason to check out a book written in German. . .

Sep 10, 2008 18:35

Apparently, there is a Roman military belt that is fitted with gold plates depicting the deeds of Hercules, found in a Germanic cemetery at Kemnitz. And I'm pretty sure there's a picture.

I think I can find it in the following source:

Geisler, H., 1973: Ein Adelsgrab auf dem germanischen Urnengräbergeld bei Kemnitz, Kr. Potsdam-Land, Zeitschrift für Archäologie 7, 279-298.
So, of course, I've ordered it from the library.

I'm really curious to see how it looks, to find out how it was done. I certainly hope that there are pictures of this thing.

Yeah, these are the kind of things that excite me.

history, books, school, pictures

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