So, I pretty neatly cracked my head open on Saturday, banging it with a chunk of force and acceleration against a steel vicegrip on my work bench.
This particular hit wasn't nearly as hard as the last time I really banged my head against something (no concussions, just that momentary, "Man, that hurt. I hit my head. OooOOOhh, crap. . . now it hurts even more!" sort of response). This is probably good, since that last crack did some permanent damage.
It had some affect on me throughout Saturday (
Saturday's second post, regarding rune dice, still doesn't have the correct four aetts showing in the picture, and I updated it three times. The third aett should begin with Eihwaz. . . So far it has been Perþo, Elhaz, and Tiwaz). I also screwed up the burning of a full set of rune dice, wasting about $10 worth of materials in the process (a rune tile is worthless if you carve into it incorrectly. . . and rune dice have six opportunities to carve a rune incorrectly).
Tina informs me that the scrape across my head is about an inch to an inch and a half, and the lump appears to be about the size of a silver- or half-dollar.
I was pretty darn coherent on Sunday, and driving to Toledo and back wasn't an issue (don't worry,
tesinth, I would have let you know if it was). I'm interested to see where this goes in the near future.
Head injuries are interesting, complicated things.
Heh. I believe it is unrelated that I have forgotten the point I was going to make in this entry.