Hmm. . . continuing issues

Jul 28, 2008 10:02

So, there seems to be a slightly larger issue with the site than I originally thought, particularly in the Blog portion.

The Three Cranes site went down last week, due to a mixup with domain registration (basically, our hosting company changed domain registrars, and an honest mistake was made and somewhere our registration renewal was lost, causing the website to be down for about an hour). The static content is all cool, but the blog is a bit fuzzy right now, and only has the posts as recently as two weeks ago.

This has left me shaking my head a bit, and may be related with the upgrade to WordPress 2.6 rather than the domain registration issue.

Hopefully, the past two weeks of updates will be available shortly, but I need to get enough time to do that (and at work, I simply don't have "time" anymore, really, though this is bugging me, so I'll probably dink and dig at it for a bit of the day to try and figure it out).

three cranes grove

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