I love these slut stat generators. . .
LiveJournal Slut Stats The below percentages indicate what
chronarchy has done with the 179 people on his friends list!
1.7%seen topless
11.7%seen naked
10.1%phone sexed
0.0%made out
1.1%oral sex
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LJMeme.com Crush Meme Number of crushes on me so far: 9
Oh, and check out the tags, you can see how it's evolved, if you want. The discrepency in the "kissing" percentage is pretty simple to explain: what exactly counts as a kiss? A friendly kiss on the cheek? Full on on the lips? On the top of the head? A kiss on the hand? Every time I do this, I remember or forget a kiss, I think, and most of them are of the "hand" or "cheek" variety.