Elements meme

Jul 11, 2008 04:49

Your result for Personality Elements Assay...
Pure Air

-2 Earth, 8 Air, -3 Fire and -3 Water!

You have one of the seven Air personalities. This group thrives on creativity, originality, and imagination. Some people venture outside the box on occasion, but you would rather live outside the box as much as possible and only deal with the box at all when dissimilar types of people require it. If you were a doctor and everyone were trying to treat patients suffering from Small Pox, you'd be off doing something goofy like spinning jars full of cow's blood around your head. Imagine.

Creativity is the dead solid center of your personality. You can have relationships with people who aren't creative themselves, but not with people who try to stiffle your imagination and fit you into some mold. The relative importance of making your ideas real versus getting your ideas right versus showing your ideas to others are all fairly balanced in your personality. Conformity isn't your forte. Even when you try to fit in, you want to do it in a special way.

Take Personality Elements Assay at HelloQuizzy
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