May 02, 2009 08:09
Anyone planning on going to Comic-Con this summer? I am suddenly interested now that everything is sold out, of course (well, Friday and Saturday). How is easy is it to get tickets on the secondary market?
It is probably prohibitively expensive and I doubt I will be going. If you are going would you be willing to do me a big favor?
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Last year I ended up with two passes due to an odd series of events, and sold the extra on CraigsList at a discounted price the first day of the con. HOWEVER I had approximately ten zillion texts and calls from people, that continued for hours after the listing had come down, which should show how in demand the things are.
So it's possible! But it is kind of crazy. Better to find a friend who has one but suddenly can't go.
Dollhouse on DVD at Comic-Con
And I saw totally WANT!
If I were to send you money ahead of time, enough to hopefully cover the DVD, shipping, and a acquirer's fee, would you see if you could get one for me?
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