hold music

May 15, 2013 16:24

Today I sit at my triangle (yes triangle) where I work there are no cubes, we don't deserves cubes we get triangles. Management gets cubes, but even they must share them. I sit in my triangle of awesome surround by my papers and furry friends that keep my company through the repeat calls from across the country. The calls are all about the same, the people however are not. Which honestly I thank goodness for because otherwise I would probably go looney. So people hate the crazy callers, the overly nice old ladies, the people you can't even guess what they are speaking, not me. Every single one is a woot and a half to me. I answer the phone with the happy cheerful voice which disarms 98% of the most angry person, who are still pissed, but now are apologizes to me for their emotional state because "you are such a sweetheart and it's not your fault". Yes, I know it's not my fault, but I do agree it sucks, yet in a world where everything is man made everything will break.
Hell, even the things not man made will break. The human heart made by a great creator, who in his stupidity or wisdom made it so breakable it crashes apart like glass. I can never decide if it was made that way so we would know that love is to be taken care of and treat gentle or because he is a sicko who likes watching people suffer. Six: one, half dozen: the other.
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