Mar 19, 2005 00:09
Im just so in the mood for this.
I seriously dislike people who think they are better than everyone. They act like they have the world by the tail and walk all over people. OMG I SOO GOT LIKE THIS HUGE ___ LOOKING AT ME AND WHAT IM DOOOING IM JUST SOOOO UBER FUCKING COOL OMG. But thats all they talk about. But when you really think about it, they are seriously miserable, and just arent happy unless they make themselves feel important. This could include lying, backstabbing, being two faced, and generally just being a nasty cunt/dick. Especially to those they call friends, or people who genuinely care about them. I mean, who the FUCK cares? Noone likes you for who you are, only the image you portray, and most of the time they dont even like that image, they just suck your pussy/cock because they think itll get them somewhere. And theres people like me who just think youre amusing, so like to fuck with you all the time. Duh dumb bitch, dont ya KNOW Im making stupid/catty but vague posts just to get under your skin. And you know the whole time Im making vague posts that Im talking about you. It fucking irks you huh?
Now me, Im genuine, honest, blunt, a bitch, and sensitive. I know this. You either hate me or love me. Thats just the way it is. And yet, because Im not some fake humanoid, I cant seem to find other people who are the same. I hate not having girlfriends to talk to and do shit with. Im not lonely by any means, but sometimes itd be nice to 'get out' ya know?
Howd I get off topic, oh yeah.
This has very little relation to what I said above. So, Im sick of people I help out only to be total assholes. I hooked up one of my best friends awhile ago with people, and all of a sudden shes SOOOO much better than me, isnt helping me or recommending me to anyone like i did with her. Shes two faced about the people shes talking shit about, and then is super sweet to their faces because shes always given anything she wants, even though she is NOT even good looking. but somehow shes never enthusiastic when *Im* doing well. GOD the things Im so pissed about, which I have ranted before this about never doing business with friends.
Jeeze, I *must* suck.
Yeah bitch, I suck fat cock.