Jun 12, 2010 23:41



mm idk if i should change that 2pm tag or not :9 i'll decide tomorrow.

EDIT 6/13/10:

Aite so I've calmed down somewhat so let's see if I can say something semi-coherent :D


Maybe I haven't calmed down after all

Let me start out saying that the pics/vids I would have taken would've come out really bad because I was far away enough that it wouldn't have been able to zoom in enough to get anything decent -__-

Anyway. Let's talk about my experience :)

I went to the concert with my friend and after a supah long drive, we arrived, finally. :P Then we realized that we forgot our tickets at home, oh God DX I didn't want to drive all the way back; that would be tortuous! Fortunately when we got there, I saved us a spot in the long as heck line (it was no joke; it was ridic longggggg) while she tried to get us a printout of our tix from the will call booth thing, and we finally got them! :] There was this Latin band playing in the streets, haha, and they were really loud so I decided to chill while I waited and dance. x]] We watched the little kids play freeze dance with them. It was really cute ♥

While we waited in the the tortuously long line, I spotted this dude in the sea of Asians that caught my eye. For one thing, he was a dude. A Caucasian dude that stood out just a little bit. x3 He was wearing a black t-shirt with the pink Wonder Girls logo on it, ahaha! ♥♥♥ I was obsessing over him to pass the time because he seemed pretty chill, and I kept insisting that my friend get a picture of him, but he was too far away, and his silly fashionable vest was in the way :( Actually, ngl, he seemed pretty fierce because at one point he was dancing (to a WG song, I think) in line. xD<3 I think he noticed me glancing over at him because he kept staring at me back. |D;; My friend suggested that maybe he thought I was cute, psh :P

Anyway. Some time later, probably about 30 to 45 minutes, maybe longer, we crawled to the front of the House of Blues, FINALLY. I heard screaming inside and I was very envious of those people for a couple seconds >| I didn't realize there was a bag check at the front and was freaking out on whether or not they were gonna take my useless camera away when my friend assured me that they'd have nowhere to keep the bazillion cameras of all the concert goers. xDD Yeah.

I got checked and my ticket got scanned, and we scurried inside. Someone was on stage, but tbh, I didn't really care because it was a girl and most definitely NOT 2PM. |D;; No offense to her because she actually sang pretty well. x] While she was doin' her thing, we bought merch. I bought a CD, and my friend bought a black tour shirt. She was sweet enough to shell out $30 and buy me one as a gift after the show. If you're reading this, Sirona, I loves you, bb ♥

Click on the pic for full view; sorry, it wasn't agreeing with me :P

I stuffed the CD in my bag, and we bounded down the stairs to the first floor and find a spot. It was already really crowded, so I was slightly disappointed D; But it semi-justified the fact that I wasn't taking any pics/vids :P

(I'll be picking the best fancams I can off of YouTube for your viewing pleasure and to supplement my commentary. Credits go to the users who took the videos!)

It was seriously packed though, and growing stuffy. x-x Everyone was chanting 2PM pretty loudly because we were getting a tad impatient, but after my friend and I settled in, we didn't have to wait long. The lights grew dim, and we started spazzing really badly. XD

Camera lights are flashing nonstop and reveal 6 gorgeous guys on stage, in all black. :Q___ Cue the sounds of thunderstorm paired with rain across the back screen, along with a piano introduction. As soon as the music starts, I'm freaking out really badly because I couldn't believe was watching 2PM live, in concert. I was shrieking like a banshee. For some reason, my eyes gravitated toward the fact that Chansung wasn't the only wearing a beanie like the other concerts, but Taec was wearing one too. Huh. I sang and danced along a bit, but mostly sang, holding my feeble fangirl heart in disbelief that this was actually happening to me. Taecyeon's rap is so slick live omg; Khun's, too. And my fave part of the song has always been Wooyoung's bridge, but God, it just sounds so lovely live, IDEK. ♥ I was clutching at my heart so hard at that part. It just really didn't sink in that I was actually watching 2PM, in the flesh. I thought I was gonna die.

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After their cool pose, they immediately segued into "I Hate You". Junho's voice for the first line always grabs my attention, for some reason. All I know is that I'm in love with that first line. ♥_♥ Taec's rap coupled with the boys' harmony was mm-MMM good, guhhhhh ♥ And Junsu's sustained note made me feel like I was falling in love all over again ;o;

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Then they did their awesome sauce intro and introduced themselves in English^^ Chansung was pretty smooth with his intro, and his nod and wave was adorbs hehe ♥ Wooyoung for some reason spoke in Korean, but that's okay because we knew what he was saying anyway. :] When Junho was all "My name is Junho" in English, I was thinking about his "My name is 2PM" slipup, lol ♥ Junsu was all ~*~gangstah~*~ with his intro, and I was jumping up and down squealing that he was well enough to be there. And ofc everyone went crazy over Khun, haha<3 And Taec was all cool with his "Ohay everybody this is Taec" x3 He talked about Korea's win over Greece the day before and how they were kinda tired after watching the game last night but they were happy to see us. :]<333 I had noticed they seemed a little worn out, and my suspicions were right. The boys watched the World Cup in the Staples Center with fans the night before, so I hoped they didn't get too tired doing the show for us.

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It's hard to hear, but my fave part is near the beginning when Taec is like "Wow, there's so many of you guys here; I didn't notice" lollllllll ♥

They move on to the next song, and I totally thought it was gonna be "Again and Again", but then I see Taec kneeling on the ground by himself and I'm flailing again with the realization that they're doing "Heartbeat". I was singing, dancing, and screaming with happiness all over again. ♥ The pyramid is so much cooler live haha :) And I got all excited as to what they were going to do for the ending, then Khun pulls Taec up and rips his heart out and I'm shrieking and squealing even louder. xD;

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Then "Again and Again" comes on and I'm freaking out some more. I dance the chorus and sing most of the lyrics. :D I find this performance kinda bittersweet because yeah I did notice the parts where Jay's lines got filled in for "I Hate You", but for some reason it hit me even harder on this song. Probably because no one ever does Jay's ending pose, and I love that. ♥ It was also during this song that I realized UNFFF ARMS AND DELICIOUSNESS :Q____________

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Full view...

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+ a close up because it's worth it :D (and I couldn't decide between the two fancams, haha)

Then they stopped to talk to us again and they announced that they're planning on having an American tour! Ahhhhh! ♥ Taecyeon exclaimed that it was so hot, and I was screaming, thinking, "Yes, yes it is, bb; why don't you cool down by taking off your shirt? >:3" /perv. Apparently someone in the VIP section actually shouted that to him lololol. It was sweet of Junho to tell the girls in the front to be careful and to calm down because seriously we were going insane over the boys and pushing and shoving and stuff, so aww ♥♥ Wooyoung spoke in Korean again; I guess he was shy about speaking in English. x3<3 Lemme highlight a couple of the best parts for you as a transcript if it's hard to hear, hahaha (pretty much all of it):

Taec (in his sexy voice): It is sooo hot in here~

Junho: I gotta say, to tell you something in Korean. Uhhh, yeorobun, kahmsahamnida~ (fangirl screams) Geurigo, saranghamnida, yeorobun. ♥ (louder fangirl screams and flailing) (Chansung is nodding) Yah, Chansung, you say something (lool I loved that ♥)
Chansung: Oh, okay, okay~ (Junho giggles) Uhhhhh, you guys are SO HOT! (fangirls continue to flail and scream; possibly some are malfunctioning by now) So awesome! Thank you guys! (No, thank you, Chan^^ <3)
Sorry if I didn't romanize that correctly ^^;

Taec: Aite, Junsu, say something
Junsu: Yeahh... I feel so good to be here~ I love you guys! (Ahhhhh Junsu I was so happy you could make it ♥)

Khun: It just feels so good home to be home, ya know? All of my family here today~ And we have you guys~! It can't get ANY BETTER! ♥ We love you, we love you, we love all of you~~~

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Their last song was 10 Out of 10, and everyone was super hyped up and excited for it. :] I was shouting "SHIPJEOM MANJEOME SHIPJEOM" with the best of them 8D We all were doing the "10 out of 10" sign and having a good time.^^ The harmonization was glorious and the acrobatics made it even more fun. :) During Chan's first line, and the boys are all in a clump walking together, I swear Khun was totes flirting with Junsu, lol ♥ And then, and then, Junho's all being osm and singing and stuff, and all the boys come up to him and are touching his butt, rofl<3333 I was dying from the cute as well as the lulz. When Khun's bridge came up, I was hoping he would do something cute for his dance like his "Bo Peep Bo Peep" in Dallas or his "NU ABO" in Houston, and then he did the butt dance and I was screaming out of pure ecstasy because it was just sooooooo cute, omgomg. (And after watching the fancam, I found out that someone threw a bag, probably a gift or something, during that part, lolwut Oh God it was a bra D:)

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In short:
Junsu looked well! I was happy :] It didn't matter to me that he didn't do the strenuous parts of the dances. That would have been bad for him anyway. He seemed to be having a good time regardless^^
Nichkhun is so good looking in person *_* It made me a bit nervous, lol ^^; It was during the second talk that I realized his speaking voice irl is higher than I expected, lololol.
Taecyeon took a lot of initiative when it came to the talking where it was impromptu, which was cool. :] There were a few moments where his exhaustion showed, but he seemed to be enjoying himself too(:
Wooyoung is sooooo cute omg^^ He seems a lot shyer in person than I recall :3
Junho is really hot in person *o* He seems like a really sweet guy and really fun. :)
Chansung was kind of quiet, but he was really touchy feely with the crowd, haha :D I swear he touched hands with way more VIPs than the others. Except for that one moment where Taec totally was dipping his arm wayyyyy into the crowd guhhh.

I'm tired again, so I'll be back tomorrow with my WG report x]

EDIT 6/14/10: Ohay I'm back once again let's see if my Wonder Girls report will be any more coherent xD

After 2PM left, I was feeling all sad and hyped at the same time - I wanted them to keep performing but I was also excited for WG :3

After some "Infinitely Yours, Seoul" ad went on, we got all excited like something epic happened lol. We milled around and waited patiently for the girls. Epic music comes on we see silhouettes of the girls dancing behind this big sheet. :D Finally the sheet comes down and we see them, in all their gorgeousness ♥ They're wearing my fave colors, black and red, haha, and Yeeun starts singing with that voice of pure love ♥♥

"I Wanna"

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"Goodbye" - This song is my new jammmm, omg ♥

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Then they pumped the crowd up a bit before performing "Don't Cha"~ The performance was sizzlin'! C: "Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me~~" A perfect segue into "So Hot" (in English ofc) :3

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The girls introduced themselves, and Lim is all cute saying that they were gonna cover songs we were familiar with too x]<33 Girl, we know all your songs too :D

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Sorry that the girls' intros got slightly cut off; it was the only vid I could find ^^; But you know their names already, right? Haha x]

Yoobin talked about how much they appreciate the fans, and then they start the Rainstone remix of "Nobody". So sexy ♥ It was during this song, I believe, that I realized I would totally go lesbian for any of them if they would date me x3

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Then they performed "This Time" which is such a soothing and sweet song :) Unfortunately, there aren't any full fancams of it from this night, so have an excerpt:

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After that, the girls all scurried offstage and left Lim by herself. Her English is so good ♥ It's very natural and doesn't have an accent at allllll :]<3 She talked about the other members (proving Sohee & Yoobin's popularity level as #1 and 2 respectively, lol), and transitioned into Lil Mama's "Lip Gloss", asking "Whatchu know 'bout me?" She is so cute and fierce, IDEK ♥♥

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Then Yoobin came on with "Boom Boom Pow" and totally got the crowd excited :DD She's got sooo much charisma, omg :]<33 And her body is bangin' ♥

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Yeeun singing Duffy's "Mercy" was so much fun ♥_♥ Her voice is a work of art, omg<33 Plus her body is fiiiiiinneee :D

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This is only about half of the perf, but the quality is better than the previous video :3

After that, Sohee came on with "Single Ladies". NGL, I've always seen her as the weakest vocal of the group (and so do a lot of people), but hearing her sing this was all right. Twas acceptable, I suppose. :) I can't deny that she's a real cutie. :3

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OMG SUNYE ♥ When she came out, I recalled her pretty dress from fancams I watched online.^^ On the screen, there was a slideshow of paparazzi pics of the girls as well as camera flashes 'n stuff. It was pretty cool. :} IMHO, her performance of "Paparazzi" was top notch ♥♥♥ It was light hearted, fun to sing with, and just an overall enjoyable performance. The shining Sun is a true leader ♥

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Again, the quality on this vid is nicer ♥ It has random arms of other people taking video and stuff, but other than that it's fantastic *_*

Then all the girls came out in the same kind of red skirts to cover "Survivor" by Destiny's Child. :3 It was fierce, elegant, and gorgeous sweet amazing baby ♥

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Ahhhhh Yeeun on piano ♥ "Saying I Love You" made me all kinds of happy with its prettiness and amazingness *_* It was snowing soap bubbles too :3<3

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Then the girls sang "Stick Wit U" :) The lyrics to the chorus were put on the screen behind them, so we all sang together with them.^^ <3

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After that, they talked with us about how strict JYP has been about their schedule, haha, and about how they didn't get to go to Disneyland :'( Which I can take to be true, because poor Nichkhun tweeted about not getting to go, awww D: Next time, bb, okay? Fosho^^ Then a phone started ringing, and they were being cute and telling us to turn off our phones when a stage hand gives Yeeun a phone. x3 She asks us if she should pick it up because it's from JY, and I'm all screaming and saying no. x33 She "picks it up", and blond JYP comes on screen and the girls all scoot over to the side while he talks about the alien. x] I'm freaking out more because no lie, this song is my jam, haha. The message "self destructs", which results in the lights turning off and the sound of electricity, and the girls scurry off the stage shrieking.

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So while the girls go and change, we're watching the music video to 2DT, and we're all jammin' and having fun. :D I sang the fanchants and danced a bit. The prominent one was the one in between Lim's lines (I'm tryin' to figure out how move on with my life / Without you by my side [WONDER GIRLS!] / Wakin' up with teary eyes; I can't do this no more / Gotta erase you now [SARANGHAE!]), and I was the only one to do it, sadface :( It was really obnoxious with a lone voice too, haha, but I thought, no worries, no one knows who screamed that. x] And then....the music started over with live voices!! ♥

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Check it! Listen carefully after Lim's first lines and you'll hear the fanchants from the corner of the room that I was in, haha. C8 EPIK WIN OF THE NIGHT I MUST SAY. I started something! 8'D

After that, the cutesy bouncy instrumental to "Tell Me" came on, and the girls told us that it was the last song of the night, but it didn't fully process in my head, because what about "Nobody"? They had to perform it; it was their first single in America! Anyway, they "taught" us the chorus (that we all already knew), haha, and got different sections of the room to sing it. :D

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My section of the room was the last and the loudest 8D

NGL, I did think of Sunmi while Lim sang her parts :'( But I can't hate her; she's such a fierce little cutie! ♥ When they left, we were still pretty hyped up and excited, and this splash screen came on asking if we wanted more Wonder Girls. My throat was sore from all the screaming I already had done, but regardless, I chanted "Wonder Girls" just as loud as anyone else. When the screen said "It's not loud enough to get them back, I literally wailed and tried my best to scream louder. Finally they came back out in their shimmery gold dresses with their encore (which was totally planned, but IDRC), "Nobody"! :D

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I danced the chorus and sang every word of it ^____^

And that was it, to my dismay. They said their "I love you"s and good-byes and promised to come back while the instrumental to the 2DT remix was playing. When the curtain was closing, both Sunye and Yeeun tried to stop it with their arms, lol ♥ One of the cutest moments of the night, ahaha ♥♥♥ We waved to them one last time before they had to leave, and that was the conclusion of the best night of my life. ^^

My general impressions of the girls?
Sohee was very quiet and cute; she was on the shy side, but she seemed very sweet. :)
Lim is so adorable, and I can see that she's shy, being the new member, but her personality is pretty fun and bubbly!^^
Sunye was elegant and gorgeous; she is a true leader who leads the girls with poise. ♥
Yeeun is lovely and beautiful with impeccable English and is fun and outgoing and /flails.
Yoobin is mah gurllll. So fierce ♥ I loved the color and cut of her hair, omg ♥

They rocked the night ♥


Incidents that I read about afterward, lol

Chan went shopping in Downtown Disney for a bit. He ran back into the HoB and a noona was like chasing him (to give him a present? IDK), poor bb. But he looked really cute running though haha. x]

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Wooyoung came out for a while to say hi and give peace signs to everyone x3 Sooooo cute ♥

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Khun got a bra thrown at him during "10 Out of 10", WTFFFFF.

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Skip to around 2:00 for the incident ._.


So I lied - this wasn't brief at all. |D Long report is longer than eternity itself 8D;; But I had a blast, and I'm pretty sure I became even bigger stans of WG+2PM after this concert ♥

I can't believe I saw them in person! :) It's one thing to watch people that live all the way across the Pacific Ocean on your tiny little computer screen. It's another thing entirely to see them live, right in front of you. I seriously thought my heart was gonna stop when I saw them. Like someone else commented, 2PM are seriously like real life Asian Ken dolls, lol. They're so chiseled and godlike beastlike. *o* And the Wonder Girls are such pretty and petite little things full of girl powah! ♥


The end. :D

fangirl, concert, 2pm is the hottest time of the day, wonder girls are wonderful

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