tutorial 01
program: adobe photoshop CS4
difficulty: intermediate [requires basic knowledge of the program]
translatable: no
this is our base.
> create a new brightness/contrast layer
brightness: +27
contrast: +31
> make a new layer. fill it with #002868 and set it to exclusion.
> duplicate the layer. set it to soft light and set opacity to 53%
> create a selective color layer
red, green, blue, grays, blacks, whites, cyans - ignore
cyan: -19
magenta: +5
yellow: +87
black: -15
MAKE SURE THAT THE SELECTIVE COLOR AND CONTRAST ARE ABOVE THE FILL LAYERS! this is important; if they're below you'll have an entirely different effect.
hope you enjoyed my 1st tutorial! comments = <3, watching = <3
picture courtesy of the lovely beautiful google.