283. will you be my valentine?

Feb 11, 2011 18:52

the dating game meme ♥


1. all comments must be anonymous. chose a number to represent yourself and put it in the subject line. do not leave obvious hints as to who you are.

2. comment to this entry, anonymously, with the phrase "happy valentine's day!".

3. i will reply to your comment with a question; answer it honestly. i will then ask you another question, and this will continue until sunday night/monday morning.

4. please come check back every so often to see if i have asked you a new question. the game is no fun if you leave it halfway!

5. on monday, february 14th, a new entry will go up announcing the "winner" of the game; i.e., the person who i would most want to go out on a date with based upon the answers to the questions i've asked.

6. there is no prize for "winning". this game is all in good fun, and no one should take it seriously. just be honest and enjoy yourselves!

7. please note that this entry is not f-locked and is left public. if there is something i ask which you would rather not answer, you can pass the question. do not feel obliged to say anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

for those of you unfamiliar with it: the dating game.

memes to keep you busy, memes to keep me busy, a little thing called love, happy holidays!

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