→ why I decided to play this character Because I fell in love with his canon. [Yes, he is a Broadway muse] and how it can hit me with such intensity the first time as the 100th. Also, I wanted to try my hand at something darker than my last attempt at writing a god.
..and writing his speech pattern is just interesting.
→ my favorite scene or bit of interaction concerning this character to date You wrote a fic about them and nudity in France a while back- that's still my favorite.
→ my favorite original aspect about this character (world-building for ocs or head-canon for fcs) What I finally defined him as. That he is of and is choice. After all, there are so many 'sly demons of death' in sws. But only one of choice.
→ the last thing they did "off screen" A mother of twins sold him her soul, choice, and life for a chance to sleep soundly.
...he killed the babies. and she slept.
→ what their last words would be if they died tomorrow "Well..that was a choice."
→ what the next thing I'm doing for them is (narrative, post, shelving, whatever) Probably writing a prompt or two for him.
He says that when he world ends, and even death closes the door on the universe, he will be there to watch her make that decision, so that the world will not end a bang, or whisper, but in the choice to allow it. Then only he will remain.
Because I fell in love with his canon. [Yes, he is a Broadway muse] and how it can hit me with such intensity the first time as the 100th. Also, I wanted to try my hand at something darker than my last attempt at writing a god.
..and writing his speech pattern is just interesting.
→ my favorite scene or bit of interaction concerning this character to date
You wrote a fic about them and nudity in France a while back- that's still my favorite.
→ my favorite original aspect about this character (world-building for ocs or head-canon for fcs)
What I finally defined him as. That he is of and is choice. After all, there are so many 'sly demons of death' in sws. But only one of choice.
→ the last thing they did "off screen"
A mother of twins sold him her soul, choice, and life for a chance to sleep soundly.
...he killed the babies.
and she slept.
→ what their last words would be if they died tomorrow
"Well..that was a choice."
→ what the next thing I'm doing for them is (narrative, post, shelving, whatever)
Probably writing a prompt or two for him.
Pfffft, to the second, because random Mab nudity makes everything better.
Third, that's pretty much why I love him.
Forth, good classic.
Fifth, I could so see that.
Papa Ge says this should happen more often.
I kind of love him for it too.
And is Papa Ge anything but a classic?
He says that when he world ends, and even death closes the door on the universe, he will be there to watch her make that decision, so that the world will not end a bang, or whisper, but in the choice to allow it. Then only he will remain.
Of course, it's possible I like the dark muses...
Hmm, smexy.
She says it's a pity she won't be there to see it, as a queen with heir signs her own death notice.
You? like dark muses? LIES!
He says that she can always visit his garden after that notice has been posted.
I know, I'm all fluffy bunnies normally.
She says that's the best offer of for an afterlife she's got.
I'm just...shocked.
He says he'd like the company.
You know, fluffy bunnies with axes and hand grenades.
She says it would be pleasant.
and interesting in the long run.
That's an understatement. How long it would last is the question.
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