Jan 15, 2014 13:41
i keep trying. this may be part of the problem. there is that about me which prefers a struggle, and sometimes i wonder if i am getting in my own way somehow.
how do you tell your S.O. that you would be happier if you had more sex? That is easy. The hard thing is how to do so without sounding like Complaints. Plus i would like to know whether it's me or not-we have been seeing each other for less than 2 years and my own tendency to drop off a bit doesn't usually begin until at least the 4th year. I can of course seek sex and/or physical affection elsewhere, only it would be unkind to those other people because what i really want is more of my S.O.
whoever says "Men like it when women initiate sex or indicate a desire for it" must be talking about someone else.
Well, wish me luck and balance.
libido albedo