Nov 05, 2008 09:52
So…now what?
We’ve won the election, but Obama is right. There is so much work to do, so many things gone wrong that need to be fixed. We ain’t done yet. It doesn’t all get better because of one guy. I feel like there is potential for change now, but we have to use that potential as oppose to letting it fester. If we wait, if we stop moving in those great congregation that came forward for voting, nothing will be different.
What would I like to see happen over the next for years? (In no particular order)
*American leaning towards a more social democracy. (Oh yeah, I said it. Nyah!)
*The removal of our troops from Iraq.
*Fewer outsourcing and more jobs brought back to American families.
*A better healthcare system.
*New energy sources delved into and used to reduce our dependence on oil.
*Equal marriage rights for GLBT community.
*A plan for illegal immigrants to obtain citizenship & better control over our borders.
*Homeland Security
-close Guantanamo
-fuck the Patriot Act
-hold trials for those who have tortured under this guise
-wiretapping my call, my business
*Education standard brought to times.
*Stem cell research utilized.
*Roe vs. Wade upheld, with some restrictions.
*Minimum wage increased to a livable amount.
The truly person issues for me are equal marriage, removal of the troops, healthcare, and abortion, but I do recognize that Bush has created a lot of problems, and we have to deal with the ones that affect America at large first. Each move facilitates the other. A lot of these changes will help stimulate a failing economy. For instance if America is provided with better healthcare, that potentially millions of dollars that aren’t being drained into every cough and sneeze in the family. That’s money that people are more willing to put into the economy. It’s like if Obama raises taxes. That fine. Because if the taxes go to healthcare, education and energy resources, those are three things WE don’t have to spend as much on. So that’s more money we feel safe using in an economic consumer sense.
stem cell,
homeland security,
equal marriage,
roe vs