Aug 15, 2006 10:18

I am in awe. In the office next to me is a friend of mine that I have known for more than a decade. We are both nerds. Recently however, he has reached a new level of nerd enlightenment. He created a fusion of nerdiness that I can only dream of being able to create.

To begin this explanation requires a bit of back story. You see, in their infinite wisdom our employer decided that we are required to take a lunch break between the hours of 11:00 and 1:00 so that our productivity would be at it's peak the rest of the day. They didn't care what we did (in fact we frequently have to work through lunch by attending mandatory meetings) but it was an hour for which we did not get paid. In response to this a number of us who were gaming inclined decided that we could play some sort of RPG during this lunch break. Having experimented with various other somewhat unsuccessful games due in large part to the inexperience of the players as a whole and the limited time resources, we have recently settled on playing Star Wars. Here is where things get weird.

I stopped into my friends office on Thursday and he tells me that he is going to write a program that will allow him to create dynamic text crawls for star wars just like in the movie. Two days later he shows me his mostly finished product. That is write, combining Star Wars fanboyness, computer programming, and rpgs he has produced what is probably one of the most useless tools imaginable for anyone who does not also share those three hobbies. To this there is only one response:


star wars, rpgs, work

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