Oct 18, 2006 21:40

I know I shouldnt say that but man it sure feels like it right now. A little sample of life as Chrissy. Fifth Third Bank Screws me over for fee's totaling $165 and then some more surprise ones to follow for who the hell knows what. So I pay to close my account b/c this isnt the first time these fee's sprang to record high amounts in a single day. So then I go to open my account elsewhere. Well I cant b/c i dont have a KY license. Allright so I cry myself home b/c i'm just so frustrated and i know direct deposit needs time to re-direct. So I research accoutns online, find one I want. The server is down that entire day and the next. THANK YOU FOR HELPING A GIRL OUT. So finally Monday I get the account opened i change my direct deposit. Keep in mind I have $5 to my name a bunch of maxed out credit cards that I cant even use for an emergencey b/c they are simply adding fees to drown my ass even more.

Yeah so I change the info and guess waht its not enough time so Friday my desperately needed pay check will go into never never land and then back to my employer and then they will cut me a check and then mail it to my home address (my mothers house) So $5 is suposed to last me til god knows when and i have a 1/2 tank of gas and NO FOOD AT ALL in my house. I am seirously drowning and I dont know what to do. I just want to cry all day and sleep all the time. I work so hard I really do and for what? FOR WHAT SERIOUSLY PLEASE TELL ME?

If I was some fucked up crack whore or alcoholic somehow money wouldnt be a problem but b/c i try to keep it together it all falls apart. I hate the FALL almost as much as I do the Winter, guess fall is just FALLING into the Cold. I swear to god if I get the chance to move somewhere without the climate change i'm taking it. So long as life permits that is.
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