Dec 18, 2004 14:00

heyy heyy . wuddup ? aL0t heRe l0L but iLL teLL yeah b0ut that LateR fiRst 0f aLL iLL staRt wid yesteRday the 17 .

FRiDAYY : weLL sch0oL wasz ughh the same it usuaLLy is except 4th h0uR wasz funn me nd megan just waLked R0und sch0oL aLL h0uR but ne wh0o afteR sch0oL i came h0me chyLLed t0 b0ut 7:0o then headed 0veR t0 pick eRica up nd we went t0 aLL sp0Rt`sz kusz she heLped me set up f0R the gaRage saLe . that wasz kinda b0Rin we weRe theRe tiLL 9:3o but afteR that i went t0 jamie`sz caSa nd sLept 0veR kusz i hadnt seen heR in F0REVER ! s0 i sLept 0veR nd we just chyLLed nd caught up l0L .

T0DAYY : weLL t0dayy isnt 0veR yet but it wasz a ReLe g0od dayy ! weLL it staRted 0ff bad kusz i had t0 Leave jamie`sz h0use at Lyk 7:3o am but it wasz w0Rth it kusz at the gaRage saLe i made enuff m0ney f0R 0ne gym fee l0L but that`sz n0t even the g0od new`sz . the g0od newsz is that myy madRe was theRe nd weLL she taLked t0 0ne 0f the c0ache`sz caR0L b0ut my math teacheR kusz heR s0n has him nd he`sz faiLing t0o weLL newayy the p0int isz that eveRy c0ach wasz Lyk "c0me 0n dawn Let heR cheeR she`sz a big paRt 0f the team nd she L0ve`sz it " . s0 yay im bakk 0n pipeR nd spiRit . i ReLe wish i had a g0od math teacheR th0 but h0pefuLLy wen we g0 int0 the new semesteR my new teacheR is g0od . weLL ne wayy`sz t0dayy is my m0m nd stepdad`sz anniveRsaRy h0w kute l0L . i think im eitheR g0ing t0 the m0vie`sz wid jamie t0nyte 0r t0 a bL0ck paRty wid eRica . weLL iLL update LateR buhh bye`sz x0x <33
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