my poor baby Senior...

Oct 27, 2008 23:15

IM'd me earlier from her dad's place...seems she got her SAT score online and had no idea of how to read the results.

At first, she says, "I didn't do well."

Pushed, she gave me this number...480.

Inside my head I said 480 YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME.  SERIOUSLY.

So, we talked some more and I looked some stuff up and realize that if you get 480 on critical writing, and 480 on math, and 480 on writing...then your score is 1440, which is WAYYYYY BETTER THAN 480.

Her first pick has an SAT requirement of 960 and top half of your class....

so, she has a 1440 and in the top third.

So, the time we finished, she was feeling a lot better about herself and her score and her ability to follow her sisters into college.  I'm just so glad that i was here to talk her off the ledge.  Dad and Dianna were in the bed when she looked up the scores, so there was't anyone there to help her understand she did fine.

There is room for improvement, of course, if she chooses to retake the test, but really, she is fine right now if she wanted to go ahead and apply this very second.  But the thing about the Senior is that she holds herself in comparison with her older sisters, who, she thinks are way smarter than her.

And believe you me...I'm putting the KYBOSH on that.  That One doesn't have any reason to place herself in their shadows.  It really bothers me that she doesn't see herself as just as good or better.  I think after tonight, she might start.  And granted, she is a bit overwhelmed by all of this, given the fact that she is going into her college career much like a breech baby at birth...

feet first and kicking.

much like how she entered this world to begin with.

So, I'm not hugely surprised that she is entering this new phase of her life feet first and kicking and screaming, since that is how she came into this world to begin with, but now my job becomes getting her ready for the new stuff...and making her realize she is capable and ready...well, nearly ready.  But once we talked, she realizes that she is, or will be, ready when the time comes.

And since I have talked three kids through this process so far, i am confident that I am up for the job.

That One is going to be just fine...I will make sure of it.
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