so, what did you today

Oct 18, 2008 23:58

well, i slept in, for one.  and that was lovely.  then i got up and worked for a bit, and then, got ready to spend some time with my Longhorn, time that comes rarely and is greatly coveted.  and then, I went to a friend's daughter's garage sale to pick up a 4-in-1 printer/fax/scanner/? and was unlucky enough to witness a really unfortunate child transfer (due to a divorce that is soon to be final and he is an asshole), and then me and the Longhorn went and had a lovely lunch at my favorite Mexican place...and got ignored for 15 minutes WITH NO CHIPS AND NO SALSA

BUT, we finally got some chips and salsa and put in our order....and the food was gooood.

But, more importantly, i got me some Reagan time, which I never, ever get enough of.

I made her go with me to the Walmart and bought her some sockboots and some sharpies and the Boy a new church shirt and me some khaki jeans to go with my new buttery chocolate shaker sweater for church...

then dropped her off so she could do some shopping of her own...

then went back to payless and bought two of the cutest pairs of shoes EVER.

suffice it to say, tomorrow at church, i will not be wearing my usual black slacks...nope.  i'll be the one sporting the khaki jeans and buttery brown shaker sweater and super, SUPER cute brown boot shoes.

I have worn the same black slacks with this or that top for so long, the old ladies behind us might not know who i am....

speaking of which, gotta go get the boy's slacks out of the dryer.

yeah, my work is never done
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