To the wonderful people on my flist and the QAF fandom:-
I read
suzvoy's post the other day about the fandom being about active participation. Being a reformed ex-lurker, i agree that participation has greatly increased my appreciation of the community and the subject matter of the fandom. So these days, with work and RL in general being crazy I'm experiencing major withdrawal - I've become a total grouch, abrupt, snappish.... grrrowwwllll!!
happier-bunny has helped big time with the beautiful card she sent me. It's stuck on the inside flap of my notebook so that i can have a much needed dose of B-J when the donkeys at work rub me totally not in a PLAW. Thanks again, Bunny. (I started making something for you but it's sitting in a folder of my pc unassembled. *hangs head*)
So now i'm back to semi-lurking in the fandom - generally coz I'm reading days-old discussions or just slipping in a couple of minutes in-between meetings or venues. I hope RL will let up soon (work certainly won't), so that I can get back into some form of participation (altho todate it's been purely "hip hip rah rah" stuff - but i guess it's better than nothing).
I'm still very much obsessed with TEH LOVE and as
xie-xie-xie says - the BEST FANDOM ever. I've always been obsessed with something or other and hence a serial lurker in the various fandoms. But this is the first fandom that has drawn me in and hugged me tight. So, to the community that has given me countless hours of great discussions, fic, crack, smoosh, orgasms porn, humour -