May 25, 2008 15:13
Yesterday was a jolly good day.
I did in no particular order:
Got a refund on the broken wireless adapter for the xbox.
Replaced the magazine I already had with a magazine I didn't have.
Watched the shockingly bad Eurovision Song Contest.
Chatted with Rennie (one of laurens friends who came to visit)
Bought a Belkin Wireless G Gaming Adapater
Got my xbox online!
Got some grips for my crutches so they don't hurt as much.
Drank alcohol and ate curry.
I think personally the big news for me was that I finally managed to get my xbox working online, I even managed to play some games of halo 3 and GTA IV on it today. Curiously of the two Halo IV was *way* more fun and I would recommend the multiplayer side of that game to anyone. So yes give us a shout if you want a game on the xbox, my gamertag is 'Love the Lash' :)
Today I intend to make a sunday dinner. Life is good in a kind of broken leg way.