May 13, 2003 11:22
Ok so I was going to try and make this long meaningful post like some people around here do, but honestly I dont think I have anything meaningful to say. Do I ever? *laughs*. Nah, anyways I am loving this tour. I still say there is nothing better than getting on that stage, and letting your emotions out through your music. It an awesome feeling. One that can't be explained to full detail, unless you know the feeling yourself. I havent had a chance to sign on aim lately, wonder if anyone has missed me. *Thinks* Probaly not, but hey it's all good. I miss talking to the guys though, so I may have to sign on one night and bug Billy. *Smiles* Seriously, man I love ya and I am here for you at all times. Same goes for all my brothers though. Anways, we have a few hours before we have to be anywhere, so I think I might go see if I can catch a few more hours of sleep.