Jul 21, 2005 10:27
Yesterday was a wonderful day. I worked until 7 am, but I had my appointment for the level 2 ultrasound and fetal echocardiogram at 8:45, and just hung around the hospital until I could make my way over to the prenatal diagnostic center. Brian met me there, and though I think I knew in my heart of hearts that everything was okay, I was anxious to hear it. A nurse with whom I work had just told me that she when she was pregnant, they did a level 2 ultrasound at the center, and that at one point, when she asked a question, the tech said, "Please leave your questions until the end." So Brian and I were prepared for a silent, stressful ultrasound. Well, we ended up having the sweetest ultrasound tech. She pointed out everything. His stomach, his kidneys... he even had a full bladder (just like his mom!). And he is most definitely still a boy. We could see him practicing breathing. He looked absolutely perfect. Then one of the physicians came in to do the fetal echo. I have worked with him and haven't been too impressed, so again, I wasn't expecting much. But Brian and I were pleasantly surprised. He pointed out all the structures of the heart, telling us the anatomy was totally normal. He looked repeatedly at the heart rhythm, but we never saw any irregular or skipped beats. No arrythmia at all. And then, when he was all done looking at the heart, he used the 3-D probe to try and get us a good view of his face. But our little bugger of a baby had his hand up (he had his hands clasped almost the entire time, like he was praying!), and we really couldn't see it. Brian says he got a glimpse and that he looked like me... I think that this little boy is going to be all Brian. Well, in eleven or so weeks, we will get to see. I can't wait. I am so full of gratitude right now to hear that he is okay. I feel like we were given this wonderful opportunity to see him in great detail and be reassured that he is just fine. They are estimating his weight at 3 pounds, 1 ounce, which is about half a pound more than the average... I wonder if he's enjoying all those chocolate donuts his mom is feeding him!
So, after our appointment yesterday, we came home. Brian was supposed to go to work, but since he's caught this cold I had, he decided to stay home. We had a nice lazy day (we need to enjoy these while we can!), and I was all set to go to work last night. But I was naughty and called in sick. And like I said, I have been sick... and I just really wanted to stay home last night. And today Brian is staying home again. I am so happy. I just made some raspberry muffins, and the kitchen smells divine. I have to do laundry at some point, but it should be another wonderful day.