Life's Cycles

Sep 20, 2006 10:29

I'm not one to normally be so very serious about things, but I have a serious reason for not posting over the weekend. I had to make an emergency flight home to D.C., because my grandfather was in failing health. I was originally supposed to fly up after my friend's wedding, but my Dad called and told me he wasn't going to last that long, and he didn't. My grandfather was born on June 2, 1926 and died September 18, 2006. I'm not one to try and elicit sympathy about's just something that comes as a major shock to me and something I thought I would be better prepared for, I guess...But thankfully, I have time to have full closure, because, as a 36 year Navy vet, he'll be buried in Arlington sometime next month, so I should be able to get down there in time. I write this mainly to explain why it make take me a while to get back to my lusty ways...I will, but I guess I just need a little time, is all...but not to worry- I'll bounce back better!


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