Jan 17, 2006 18:52
Yes, I know it's not Friday, but there's just not that much interesting in my life right now. So, from the Friday Fives Yahoo Group, here's the latest group of questions...sorry it's late
1. In what ways would the United States be different if Dr. King was never a Civil Rights leader?
It probably would have meant the civil rights movement would have moved much slower.
2. Would you have the courage to stand up for your rights no matter what the consequences were?
I have before...being bi isn't always such a good thing, so having my right to kiss and be intimate with either sex is something I have argued with people before. Now, granted, this isn't as serious an issue as some, but other than that, I haven't had to stand up for my rights.
3. Do you think Dr. King's dream is anywhere close to being reality? Why or why not?
Yes, it is reality, in the sense that what he wanted is something that could conceivably become reality, if people's angers and political asperations hadn't gotten in the way. The sad thing is that, in some ways, we have a sort of reverse racism going on today...want proof? What about the New Orleans mayor wanting a "chocolate city"?
4. If you had the power to change ONE thing about the United States today, what would you change and why?
More permissability about sexuality rather than violence, much like most of Europe
5. How do you celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day?
I just remind my friends that what he started was very important for everyone here in the U.S., regardless of race, mainly because King basically wanted to push this issue home to everyone that everyone is EQUAL.