My New Fave Show

Jun 02, 2005 22:36

Okay, recently, my friend Lana got me to watch an episode of this new Showtime show called "The L Word" about a bunch of friends who live and work in the LA area. Well, I saw it and I'm hooked! Either together or separately, we've managed to watch the entire first season. God, it's addicting as Godivas, and lemme say that the season finale was a doozy- I swear to god I was saying 'what the fuck' at the screen when they were rolling the wrapup scenes! For those who may not be in the know, here's a basic summary about the characters.
Jenny (a writer) moved out to LA to be with her boyfriend Tim (a sports prof)
Bette (director of a CA art gallery) and Tina were trying to get pregnant after being together for 7 years
Bette's half sister Kit (a musician) is trying to kick the alcohol habit, with the help of her sister and her friends
Dana (a tennis pro) and her tennis partner Harrison act like a couple so as to cover for the fact Dana's gay.
Marina (shop owner) meets Jenny and well, that's the start of all the chaos that was season one.

If you wanna know more, check out The L Word Online for more info, cuz I don't want to spoil the surprises. Yeah, it's mostly lesbians or bisexual women, but it's so complex it's too hard to explain here. Oh, and I almost forgot about Alice and Shane...not sure which I like more, Shane or Jenny. Yeah, Jenny turns out to be a royal bitch for most of season one, but Shane's no pure dove either. And Alice is like Jenny and me- bi and she can't make up her mind which she likes better. God, I love this show and I can't wait to see more!

As for how the rest of my life's been going, I just found out today that the reason I've been so sluggish has nothing to do with my allergies and everything to do with the fact that I've had a low grade cold...does nothing more than knock me on my ass and make me so tired I can't think straight at times. But, some good news on the work front: Debbie has stated for the record that she wants dayshift to be as drama-free as possible. That means that she'll give people a warning once for bullshit, then pull them off of her shifts. :D Yeah for no drama!

friends, work, sex, tv

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