Wishlist 2011

Oct 16, 2011 21:48

Wishlist 2011, Prompt Post

What is the Wishlist?

The Wishlist is a multi-fandom Christmas fanfiction fest. It is something that started very small and simple three years ago. The premise was simply to write twenty-four ficlets in response to twenty-four prompts, posted between 1 Dec and 24 Dec. Fandom gifts, if you will. Since then it's grown and changed a bit.

The community and the rules in detail can be found here.

I have signed up to be a writer and if you want to give me a prompt, please leave a comment on this entry.


- I accept the first 24 prompts I am given, regardless of who you are or if I know you.

- You give me characters/pairing, a fandom and a prompt. If you want art, please give me a story, scene or fandom you would like me to create art for. Please provide a link.

- If I don't know the fandom you're requesting, your prompt doesn't count. The fandoms I write in are:

Anita Blake
Chronicles of Narnia
Crossing Jordan
Harry Dresden (books ONLY)
Harry Potter
In Death Series
Lie to Me
Merry Gentry Series
Pirates of the Caribbean
Quantum Leap
Resident Evil
Star Trek
The Mummy
White Collar
X-Men/X-Men First Class

I can handle most pairings with any of the other fandoms, though I'm not much for gore or heavy M/M slash, but other than that, prompt away, and remember, you can also specify how adult you want it as well!

- If I find your prompt in any way offensive, I will disregard it, too. Fair warning.

- Your prompts should somewhat match what I usually write/draw. It can be a quote, an idea, a specific situation, but the more you give me, the more I have to work with. Throwing Character X/Character Y, whatever at me is going to get you whatever.

- If you don't have an lj account, leave an anonymous comment, but make sure to sign it with a name (possibly your TtH name, if you're coming from that end.)

- I answer the prompts in the order I like best and post them here and/or in the Wishlist_fic community, one a day, starting 1 Dec 2011.

Again, I need fandom, characters or pairings, prompt, and your name, or, for an art prompt fandom, a scene or story, and your name.

Prompts List (12/24)
1. Buffy/Chronicles of Narnia- Fred/Any- dreams of Aslan- teaandhoney/smolder
2. Buffy/In Death- Buffy/Angel, Eve/Roarke- couples enjoying company- xgirl2222
3. Labyrinth/Harry Potter- Hermione/Jareth- spell sends her to the Underground- patriciatepes
4. Merry Gentry/Harry Potter- Hermione/one of Merry's men, Merry/her men- "you only live once, but if done right, once is enough"- mariegilbert59
5. Batman/House- Batman, House, Poison Ivy, Others- One of Poison Ivy's unknowing victims is brought to Princeton-Plainsboro for treatment. Can Batman get to the patient with an antidote before House's attempts to cure him cause the toxin to mutate into a new, unstoppable strain?- gladdecease
6. Harry Potter/White Collar -Neal/Any HP- Some paintings just speak to you. No, really, they do. And loudly.- twisted_slinky
7. Buffy/White Collar- Buffy/Neal- Neal didn't think it was possible for him to love someone as much as he loved Kate. Then he met Buffy and found out how wrong he was- bloodied_saint
8. Buffy/Dollhouse - Faith, Echo- When Faith comes to Los Angeles (BtVS Season 4) it provides the LA Dollhouse with a unique opportunity. They begin to use Faith's persona as a cover for some of Echo's more sensitive jobs. But how will Faith react when she meets her imprinted lookalike?- SEAborg
9. Buffy/Resident Evil- Buffy/Olivera- Resident Evil Apocolypse; Olivera meets another badass chick in Racoon City before he comes across Alice or Jill. Bonus points if Nicholai gets to live- SweetChi
10. NCIS- Abby- Abby's first time(s) with her coffin- deitysi
11. Harry Potter/X-Men- Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr (post X3), Hermione Granger (Post DH, No Epilogue)- Hermione stumbles upon an old man being attacked and uses magic to stop it. The old man she saves ends up being Magneto, who is very intrigued by her display of magic- moonagestardust
12. BtVS/Anita Blake- adult!Dawn/Gregory- Their first time, pain can be a good thing, a very good thing- xeelia
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