Things I've Been Putting Off

Jan 25, 2008 22:50

I've been definitely stuck in a rut these past few months- hell almost a year if I wanna be honest with myself!  Most of you ome on here to read about what naughty, dirty things I've been doing lately, and may not know that I aklso have another website that I've been playing around with for more than a decade to goof off and show off my geeky/nerdy side.  However, I haven't really been giving it as much attention as it might deserve, mainly because I've been quite busy with my increased work hours and frankly, I come home, goof off on for an hour or so then go to bed.  So, I finally got up off my ass and redesigned for the first time in over a year, and I think it came out okay:

So, that's the first part of me getting things taken care of that I've been neglecting...which, btw, was a bit of a hardship, because of the fact that since I hadn't really updated since June of last year, I had consequently forgotten my sign-in information for, a process that took me two days to figure out! *sigh*  So, got that taken care of and now that Sadia's out, I have more room to store things and also take the time to find all my notebooks that have my half scribbled fanfic stories so that I can both finish publishing them online and also maybe finally dust off the large project of getting my two fanfic archives converted into a more easily navigated format.

fun, website

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