Don't Know What to Do

Sep 18, 2007 10:39

I don't know how many of you might remember, but I had to go home this time last year because my grandfather was in failing health.  Well, today is also my brother's 22nd birthday, and I want to be happy and celebrate it with him (in a way, what with being a few states removed) but I feel guilty about it because tonight a year ago is when my granddad passed away.  I loved him a lot and I feel like I'm being disingenuous by wanting to celebrate my brother's birth over feeling sad that he's been gone a whole year now.  Is this normal or am I worse of a freak than I thought?

Sorry, I know I'm normally more upbeat and sexy in my posts, but this just happened last year and I'm still trying to come to grips with it and how I feel and how much of that I can and should post in a journal of this nature.  Thank you for being understanding. :)


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