Sep 10, 2006 02:08
haha. bathroomss...............dont ask =)
my life is way tooo complicated rite now. why did school HAVE TO start like ughh. loll
well this is gonna be another quiick entryy becase i neeed to go leave jill a suessmail butttt all i have to say is that i NEED to see melissa and jill soon. otherwise, idk what ill do. and we suck at plans so its not good.
&& i love how teachers think we do nothing over the weekend but homework so they feel the need to overload us with it. blahhh im not gonna like this year. i can tell, too much going on at once.
well, yeh, i have to wake up early tomrrow for acting buttt im not sleeping anytime soon. im tired but not ya noe? lol prob not. blahhh eww so much homework due monday andd im still not sure if i should audtion for my schools drama show. and thiis week is gonna be crazayybusyy. but what else is new? i better get used to iit.
well time for suessmails. ill leave a better journal tomrrow maybe if i have ttiime.