Dec 06, 2011 17:17
I have spent the last 3+ hours reading about, watching about, thinking about penises.
I can’t recall when I first became aware that people had issue with the size of men’s genitals as my parent, the TV, had kept me pretty well apprised of the social issue all throughout my life. It wasn’t until I was in my adulthood, though, that I realized women had issues about their genital size as well; so what’s the difference?
At first I chocked it up to that familiar concept of The Male Gaze that is being called into question a lot lately because the Slut Walks and this ongoing argument over the sexiness of comic book women, not to mention the overwhelming reaction from women when this conversation is seriously addressed of “size doesn’t matter, it’s you men who put these pressures on yourself.” The Male Gaze, feminazi phrase or not, is quite real and is responsible for the big breasted, small wasted, ideal image of women in society as well as the tall, muscular, ideal image of the male, so the penis has to be a part of that too, I thought.
My female conscious was cleared until I remembered the one venue where The Male Gaze was disconnected from men and interpreted into what can justifiably only be referred to as The Female Gaze; romance novels. Huge industry, romance novels are, and the ratio of male to female readers is so small we might as well disregard it and say that only women read romance novels (which isn’t true but we’re saying it is) and those romance novels are a perfect place to get an example of what the ideal man is in women’s casual fantasies…luckily I’ve read a shit load of romance novels so I can tell you size DOES matter, at least in print. If penis size is mentioned at all it is to feature and incredibly large one. So, alas, we can’t blame this one solely on men.
The most widely reported statistics for penis size are based on studies where there was no official measurement was done at all, the subjects just gave their word for it so it’s no wonder most men are unhappy with themselves but what I found most astounding was that the ideal size of penises has been almost as fluid as the ideal size of women’s breasts. Greek statues were introduced in my public school days with a footnote of “Ha-ha, yes, they have small penises, now can we be mature and make it through this God damn period?” but what I didn’t learn until today was there is a reason they are small; it was a good thing back then. Men represented with small penises were seen to be more civilized where as the larger men were uncontrollable beasts…but that isn’t necessarily so unlike our stereotypes today, is it? The only difference I see is that in a society where your sexual identity is most important the beast isn’t a bad thing anymore, it’s the ideal.
Maybe the way to solve these insecurities in men and reduce the instances of genital mutilation in the western world is to facilitate a pride in intellect, culture, and civilized behaviors in men instead of pagan virility…Or, like, we should give government funding to those companies who keep e-mailing me about how to enlarge my penis…which is HUGE by the way…take my word for it…
plastic surgery,