I had the day off, so Randy and I took a drive over to Half Moon Bay, had lunch in town, then drove down the coast a short distance and took a walk on the beach. A brief walk, because even though the sun was out, it was chilly and windy. The ocean was churning up a weird kind of foam, unlike anything I've seen before. I've seen sea foam, but this stuff was like fluffy styrofoam. It formed into masses and clumps on the edge of the waves and along the sand. Every once in a while, a stiff gust of wind would grab a piece of it and send it tumbling in a ball along the beach. Even the sandpipers looked like they were avoiding it. I'd like to know whether this is natural or not. It sure didn't look natural.
On the way home, we stopped at Alice's Restaurant where we indulged in people-watching and had desserts of about 2000 calories each. We're going very light for dinner tonight.