I've lived in the same house my entire life,

Jul 12, 2011 02:08

and for that whole time, we had a cassette player/radio (all functions broken except for the clock) installed under the kitchen cabinet. Finally, about 6 months ago, my mom finally threw the old cassette player/radio away. My kitchen also has: a microwave that tells the time, an oven that tells the time, a coffee maker that tells the time, and an actual freaking clock. So where do I look, whenever I need to know the time? For that goddamn broken cassette player.

Every. Single. Time.

Clearly this is a sign that: a) I need to freaking move out of my parents' house, b) I am 25 freaking years old, why haven't I moved out yet, and c) I do not deal well with change. I just really need that radio/cassette player back to tell me the time, ok.

My life is pathetic.
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