Cute picture spam ahead!

Jun 13, 2011 18:21

We finally have a new dog! My parents got him on Saturday at the same rescue we got Max from, and my mom brought him home today. His name, so far, is Buddy, because that's the one he came with.

He is adorable and large (he's taller than Max was, but not as heavily muscled), and is about 8 or 9 months old.

He likes chasing tennis balls, and as we soon discovered, carrying around and eating peaches from our tree.

He also has no ears! Rescue dogs always have quirks, I guess. No one knows what happened to his ears, because they were like that before he was brought to the shelter or the rescue place. But he's a pretty mellow, submissive guy, so he probably got chewed on in a fight.

My dad speculates that because he's so pale, he's one of those fancy cream-colored golden retrievers that Oprah has, which are apparently much more expensive. That just adds more to the mystery of what the heck happened to his ears, and how he ended up in a shelter.
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