You suddenly complete me

May 31, 2011 02:39

Hello, my name is Christina J Gilbert and I am on the Bad Decisions Highway. I maaaay have drunk approximately an entire bottle of wine by myself. It was good times. I just felt the need to share. (the title of this post is in reference to that bottle of wine. Just fyi).

I'm just so HAPPY to be done with school for a few months, you guys. I'm so relieved. I...blurgh. I wish I was done forever.

So tonight I opened a bottle of champagne, and you can't let it get flat, you know, that would be a travesty.... I think I'm gonna watch some Glee. That sounds like an excellent drunken activity. That, or watch some of my favorite Supernatural episodes again... Quandary. I love Supernatural more than life itself, but I AM like 5 episodes behind in Glee, because of the aforementioned school terribleness.. hmmm...

I am quite proud of my drunken-typing abilities, too. Look, I used big words and everything. It just takes a little while longer than usual. Also, I am wearing my new pink-ish Boba Fett shirt in Kim's honor, because she showed it to me. It is glorious.

Also, I found out today that my cousin, who is 6 months older than me, who had a baby 3 months ago, who turns 26 TODAY, apparently wants to have 4 kids before she's 30. What the fuck is wrong with her.
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