ARRR it's drivin me nuts!

Apr 02, 2007 19:32

Soooooo I just figured out a back way into the course schedules that won't be released for another few days. I RULE! Too bad I missed out on the early registration for Senior Seminars (which I will have to go and do tomorrow morning bright and early). Either way. Here's the plan, in hopes it works out like this... these are only at UT. I'm taking a couple at ACC/NHMCCD as well...

SPN 507 First-Yr Spanish II M-TH 10-1, F 10-11:30
SPN 312K Second-Yr Spanish I M-F 10-11:30
E 322 Films of Ingmar Bergman MW-F 8:30-10

E 379S Senior Seminar: The Great War MWF 1-2
J 316 Photojournalism TTH 6:30-8, TH 3:30-5
GER 312V Second-Yr German I: Business German MWF 11-12
SPN 312K Second-Yr Spanish II MWF 10-11 or 12-1 (depending on what profs sign up)
BIO 471G Natural History Museum Science M 4-5, W 3-5 OR
BIO 337 Ion channels and the Molecular Physiology of Neuronal Signaling (doesn't that sound ridiculous?) TH 2-3:30

I'll find out tomorrow morning bright and early if I made it into my senior seminar, which, hopefully, I do seeing as it's taught by an awesome professor. Now I just have to finish this semester. Geh. But I'm almost done with 3 of my classes (... given that I have to do a few essays today that I have yet to start but never you mind).

Either way. I'm excited. That those courses. Are the last courses I will ever be taking at UT or as an undergrad in general. Graduation will be SWEET.
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