Jun 08, 2005 22:46
On Monday I got my midterm and paper back in my summer school class. Paper grade I was content with but test not so much. Anyways, I still have a chance with the final and this next paper and extra credit opportunity she gave us today.
Yesterday I went to the mall with my Aunt and her friend and my little 2 year old cousin. I can't really put my fingure on how i felt exactly but here it goes. I was leaving the bathroom with my aunt and my little cousin so I was trying to get the stroller out of the door way while she was helping me by holding the door then a very impatient person decides to squeeze through the doorway while the stroler was half way out already. So as my aunt was retelling that story to her friend shes talking about how people don't open the door or have patience for people with strolers anymore and how the lady was so impatient and especially with her. But she doesn't say so impatient with christy she just points at me but ends up touching me. But I was thinking like damn is it really that noticeable?? Most people don't realize what i can and can't see from a simple two second encounter like that because usually I look so "normal" walking around places. And it wasn't like I rammed the kid in the stoler into the wall or anything which would have made it obveous that I can't see well. And also I mean why did she have to point at me like that. It's not like I'm stupid and didn't realize she was refering to me. It's not like a huge secret she can't talk about or anything. I just don't understand why people have to be like that and make such a big deal when it's not neseccary in a situation like that. I'm just so frustrated.... especially coming from a family member.... :/...:(
I want to say I LOVE my two best friends Anj. and Linds.!!!=) Thank you both for everything you've both done for me and I truely cherish our special and unique friendships. I'm so glad we've become such good friends. ***hhhhhhuuuuuuggggggssssss*** :) YOU BOTH ROCK MY SOCKS!
Now I have to go read or else I'll never finish the book and get the paper about it written for my history class.