I found a new toy!

Jan 07, 2008 00:39

I swear to god, I'm more excited about this discovery than Jerry Bruckheimer was when he found that stupid actor-animation thing he's obcessed with.... This is why I don't do topical humor.

Anyway, I've been using the basic photo editor stuff for a while. You know, where you click a button and the exposure is fixed and you can remove red eye and shit. But I found the hardcore stuff where you can edit the color temperature and brightness and contrast and oh my god, all I need to do is fiddle with those and wack the saturation up by a billion percent and I look like a genius photographer. I'm really excited about this.

The original. Not bad. It was really just this pretty out so all I had to do was point and click.

After I've fiddled with it. Eeee!

I've been noticing color differences lately so I like this picture.

I really like this picture. This is going to sound wicked pretentious but I'm this shows the point I was trying to make much more than the original.


If you'll excuse me, I've got some work to do.

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