big bang for your buck

Jul 29, 2006 09:43

so its been a while. things are good though. I jsut noticed that they do an autosave draft thing. i like that. bc you dont know how many times ive typed a huge long entry and then my computer mess up and have to write it all over again and its never as good as it first was. at least i think thats what the autosave thing does. anyways I dont know.

its way past my bday but my bday was good. we went to the lake. megan came with me. we had a blast. went down to PC and hung out with Powers, Marcus, GAbe, Dayton, other people from UM and I met some new people. I enjoyed it. Amy went with me. and Im glad bc we havent hung out like that in a while and it was fun. then it was too much bc both of us started to get oneach others nerves, but Amy is lke part of tthe family anyways. me and amy had to share a full size bed. didnt work out most of the time bc my knees would always end up hitting the wall or her feet would touch mine. not cool.

me and Gabe hung out and I got to meet cole. We've been hanging out since then. He's a really cool guy. Both of them are.

I've moved into my apartment and I love it. Im there alot so I waste a lot of gas driving from montevallo to hoover to sumiton and back just becausei like to be there bc its mine. im ready to live there everyday so as soon as summer's over that's where I'll be. Kim is going tomove in when school starts and im excited about living with her bc she's so cool. we're gonna have fun.

Im getting a personal trainer. Im going to be fit. Im really excited about it.

I also have been going to Visionland this year. I got season passes for Chris and Ashlie so we could go alot this year. It's actually been fun. I like to go there and have fun instead of work like I did last year.

this is my last summer to babysit. i love those kids and i am really going to miss them. it maeks me sad tothink about it bc i told them that i wasnt going to babysit them next su mmer bc i had to grow up and get a real job and they got really sad. like for real. i know that we get on each others nerves and scream at each other and fight but they are like my family. I've watched them grow up.

anyways this is crazy bc i really just did an update to let myself know kinda how my summer's been if i ever want to relive it. i know is boring. but its not for you. snap sucka.

peace love and rafting bc thats where im gonig tomorrow.
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