A Return to the Emerald Stair

Jul 24, 2009 16:26

So I was thinking about starting a blog. It's supposed to be good for writers, right? To make sure we're writing every day (or at least on as regular a basis as possible)? And then I remembered that I had this lovely treasure trove of emotions. After about a bajillion years (or two) off, I thought I would give this LiveJournal thing another shot. But this time around, it will be much more blog/review/rants&raves/Facebook note type of entries, as opposed to the usual "woe is me."

So, without further ado, I reactivate the Emerald Stair. Our first post? A letter that I wrote to Barack Obama. No, really. Put it in the mail today (well, I will put it in the mail before the end of the day. Monday at the latest). Frankly, I love Barack Obama. I do. Just the thought of him makes me smile. And when I see pics of Michelle and him together, it sets my heart aflutter. Yes, I admit it, I'm crushing on the President of the United States. As Usher says, I got it bad. Whatever.


July 24, 2009

Dear Mr. President,

As I watched the clip of you expounding on the new health care plan (the same video that has recently caused such a controversy regarding racial profiling), I couldn’t help but notice that you looked a little tired. And why wouldn’t you be? I imagine being the captain of a slowly-sinking ship must be beyond exhausting, especially when it seems you’re the only person trying to keep the boat afloat. I cannot tell you how disappointed I am with our fellows in the Democratic Party, who stood strong behind you on the campaign trail but these days seem to have abandoned you, once again, in favor of special interests. And I truly cannot fathom a Republican Party that is more interested in seeing you destroyed than doing a single thing to help the people of this country. Admittedly, I am a naïve and optimistic idealist, but I thought the function of all those folks on Capitol Hill was to make my life better.

At any rate, the point of my letter is simply to say that I believe in you, Mr. President. I supported you on the campaign trail and I continue to support you in the White House. In my almost 28 years on this planet (Aug 4, 1981 - our birthday is coming up!), I haven’t had the privilege of seeing too many truly outstanding national figures alive during my lifetime, but I must say that you’ve inspired me more than I thought possible. As a man, as a black man, as an intelligent, rationally-thinking man, as a family man, as a confident and secure human being and a citizen of the world, I look up to you. I voted for you because I believed you were America’s best hope at a brighter future. And I still believe that today. Please keep fighting for me - war, health care, employment, the environment, equal rights and privileges regardless of race, age, gender and orientation or economic status…. Do not falter. Do not waver. I imagine that it must seem a terrible burden at times, but it is now your cross to bear. We’re all counting on you.

My best to the First Lady, who is an outstanding and exciting new role model in her own right. May God continue to bless you and your family.


Christopher Johnson
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