Aug 04, 2006 01:52
Another year down, and what have I learned? To chill the fuck out. Now if only for the application.
I'm not in control. Of everything. There. I said it. I am not the master of the Universe, despite what I may have cleverly led you to believe. Or myself.
Worrying and long-term planning are on par with one another. You can't control the future any more than you can the past. You can't control what might happen, given a very intricate web of ifs and maybes, any more than you can control what's already happened. So why trip about it? Who among us can add a single day to his life by worrying? And who among us has the ability to make his premonitions real? Anyone? Anyone? Beuller?
No, I don't believe we are infintesimals thrown against the randomness and chaos of space, any more than I believe it's all already written in stone. I believe in Design without Predestination. In Destiny, but not Fate. There IS a path between the points A and B, but we don't have to take it. We don't have to arrive at B. It's our choice. Free will and all. It's there, though. And there are many different paths that lead from A to B, some harder and rougher and longer than others. And there's no way to know which path is the best path, or the easiest path, until you're on it. Or not, as the case usually is.
So do you just give up? Throw caution to the wind and dive head long into disaster? No, you don't. You make an informed decision based on what's in front of you. Of what's staring you in the face. You don't count your chickens. You make your informed decision, and then you act. And when the road bends and curves, you don't freak out because you thought you'd picked the best route. You go with it. Because chances are, you'll get to point B anyway. And usually by some path other than the one you laid out for yourself. And you know what? That's okay.
Life is like KIT, the car from Knight Rider (icydk). Sometimes you get to lead. And sometimes, you need to let yourself be Led. So just enjoy the ride. Have a not-so-little helping of Faith. KIT's got your best interests at heart anyway.