Salt & pepper pork rinds from Mac are the best. Haven't been able to find them, but found some the other day. Love them.
You know what I don't get? Radios on motorcycles. It's as bad as people blasting their music with their windows rolled down. People have to blast their music loud because they have to hear it throu their helmet, and everyone else has to hear their music too. Just seems stupid to me.
Started at Pizza Hut on Stockwell rd today. I forgot how laid back working at Pizza Hut was. This one seems to be as laid back. The one big issue is they seem a bit short on staff. Manager told me the ither day they only have 4 drivers and from 4-7 today I was constantly on the road. Plus side is I made $33 with tips and gas, and that was with 1 bitch stiffing me, and another order having no one home. Talking to one of the other drivers the it sounds like a good delivery area. I believe this was the right choice on job to take. At least to get the bills paid currently. It's gonna be tough watching what I eat with all this Pizza flowing around and Chinese Food and Sushi right next door, plus Gullo's right there too.
How do people not know by this point that if its raining you turn on your headlights? Its not like its a new law. Maybe I can understand a high school kid, but grown ass adults?
What is the deal with this new strange cooking tiny/micro food thing people got going? I meam they cook tiny food and put in all the work for doll-sized food. Shit like that is why we need an apocalypse. I don't care what kind, zombie, robot, plague, we just need like half of the worlds population dead and the other half struggling. That tiny food shit blows my mind.
I'm trying to get through season 1 of Supernatural. I started it a while back, and I like what I see, but every time I look at how many seasons there are I just wanna give up. Aint nobody got time to watch 13 seasons of a new show. If it was something I've already seen I could pull that off and watch while doing other things, but not knowing whats going on takes a little more attention. I will slowly try to get through it.
So I bought Dragonball FighterZ a few months ago. Its a fun game, real easy to pick up and play. I can see why its become a big time tournament fighter. I bought it for $25 on black Friday weekend, but god dammit they're trying to get more of my money. They have so much DLC for that game and so many cool characters added I kinda qanna drop some coin. Ita not like I play it enough because I don't have friends to play with, but I will probably eventually drop coin on Broly.
I think I'm gonna try to get some Indian Clubs off Amazon to try out some workouts thay Samoa Joe was doing for shoulder mobility and strengthening on Celtic Warrior Workouts. Probably won't get as heavy as he had though.
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