Title: Plastic Package [Drabble]
Author: christmasplush
Pairing: JongTae
Disclaimer: It would be awesome if I did own SHINee, but I don't.
Rating: PG
Genre: Crack
Author's Note: Inspired by an incident in math class~
Taemin dug through Jonghyun's duffel bag, looking for the last mint. Moving the clothes to one side, his fingers slipped through the earphone wires and his hand went deeper into the bag.
"Taemin-ah! Did you find your candy?"
Jonghyun's voice echoed in the dance studio.
The lead vocal came to stand behind Taemin, peering over his shoulder.
His hand found a plastic item and pulled it out.
"What is this, hyung?"
Jonghyun's face flushed 10 shades redder and snatched the item away.
"Its nothing Taemin."
Taemin pouted, clinging onto Jonghyun's leg as the elder tried to walk away. The latter looked down at the boy on his legs, struggling to hang on.
Onew had choked on his water and Key was shrieking at the dancer's question.
"Yah! Jonghyun! I won't forgive you it you corrupt my baby any more!" Key fumed as he slapped Onew's back with audible thumps, making the leader choke more.
Minho looked up from his laptop, pausing the episode of Dream Team. "It's a condom."
The flaming charisma smirked before grabbing his laptop and running to the manager's room, a loud click following the slam of the door.
"What is a condom for, hyung?"
Jonghyun couldn't help but wonder where Taemin was during his health lessons.
"Kim Jonghyun! You'd better not-"
Onew started shaking Kibum, making sounds similar to a dying seal.
"Yeobo! Hang on!" The rapper continued to hit the Dubu leader on the back, his attention averted.
Taemin tugged at Jonghyun's sleeve, his eyes pleading.
The elder sighed. He was going to be punished later by Key, but right now, he couldn't resist the dancer's charms.
"You see..."
Taemin's head bobbed up and down, urging his boyfriend to continue.
"It's used to.. Make love."
Jonghyun threw his head back, staring at the ceiling.
I can't believe I just said that. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
The maknae's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. He stood there for a few seconds before a not-so-innocent smirk replaced his features.
"Let's use it tonight, okay hyung?"
"Use lube!" Minho's deep voice came from the closed door.
Jonghyun scrambled off the floor and he only heard three things.
A pair of shoes running after him, Taemin's sweet laugh, and Onew still sputtering and flailing.