Crafty pictures

Sep 14, 2009 20:25

Because I could use some cheer, here are some photos of recent projects.

First are a pair of baby bibs I made for a friend (who was supposed to be induced today but last I heard was still waiting for an open bed). They are having a little boy, and mom has a rubber ducky fetish. The bibs all handmade from cotton, cotton/poly, and fleece fabrics.

And then we have two drawings. Be kind because I haven't learned anything yet! (As I always thought that I couldn't draw to save my life, I am extremely impressed. I didn't know I had it in me! :)

Homework assignment: Draw something random, concentrating on lines only. I drew my cookie jar.

My very first assignment: The beginners should start by drawing their own hand. (My thumb really isn't that oddly shaped, I swear.)

The emergency vet clinic just called to see how Kale is doing. I haven't the foggiest, since he's at the vet, they didn't call me before they closed for the evening, and I forgot to call them.

Aside from drawing Artoo today, I also managed to get part way through the Tufts IRB online training program, which is required for anyone doing experiments or studies involving human subjects. (I'm shocked that I never heard about this before now. IRB approval I was aware of, the required training course I was not.)

crafts, pictures, gifts, school

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