This and that

Aug 25, 2008 11:30

Lately I've spent so much time reading my Friend's page that by the time I've caught up with everyone else's life (and latest crafts) I don't feel like sticking around long enough to post in my own journal.

Last Thursday evening, Purple Jr. was assaulted and maimed by the kittens. Purple is a purple passion plant, a vine that is sometimes considered a weed, albeit a very pretty one. Purple Jr. is the offspring of my college roommate's plant (Purple), and is about 5 years old. His longest vines were probably about 12 feet long, and I had them all hooked to a wall-hung trellis in the stairwell. Since we moved in 3 months ago, Purple grew several feet - more than he's grown in the last several years combined. It seems he liked his new home as much as I do. It's also worth noting that Purple is the only plant I've ever had that survived my poisoned touch. I inherited none of my father's green thumb.

At 11:30 Thursday night I heard a very loud THUD and knew something had gotten knocked over. I opened our bedroom door to find the plant stand toppled, the ceramic pot on its side on the landing, roots and dirt thrown everywhere - and most of the vines still attached to the wall. Obviously I was less than happy, especially about having to repot salvaged bits of vine at midnight. I had an extra pot, so I currently have to tiny pots of vines attempting to recover. One's on the kitchen counter under the window, the other is on the table, and the cats won't leave it alone. It's now been doused in curry powder. (I didn't have any Cayenne pepper)

Saturday we had a cookout at a friend's house out in the middle of nowhere, MA. I baked snickerdoodles and they seemed very well liked. All three dozen disappeared. I always feel like I sound full of myself when people tell me how awesome the cookies are, because all I can do is agree. They're my absolute favorite! I take little credit for the cookies, because it's all in the recipe. Well, and the baking time. Grandma was well-known for over-baking her cookies, and we often deemed them hockey pucks. Lightly brown the bottoms and they just melt in your mouth. Oh, and I made a loaf of rye bread too, which was good, but kind of overshadowed by the cookies. :)

I went swimming for the first time all summer. The pool was cold! It's been a very cool summer here with lots of rain, so pools really haven't gotten a chance to warm up this year. It wasn't bad once you got in, as long as you stayed in the sun, but when the shade encroached on the pool my goosebumps convinced me to get out.

Yesterday I made hotel reservations for a wedding we've been invited to in New Orleans in March 2009. I've never been to New Orleans, and I know Katrina devastated the city, but I'm still really excited about going. Especially since two of the series I've been reading are set in New Orleans (Sherilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series and the Tea Shop Mysteries).

We also have a wedding and baby shower coming up this fall. I've already purchased gifts for the wedding shower, but I want to craft something for the baby shower, which requires a trip to JoAnn's.

There are actually quite a few things I need to pick up at JoAnn's and A.C. Moore (or Michael's). I haven't made our headboard yet, pillows for the living room, and a few other things I'm momentarily drawing a blank on. Maybe I'll get my butt in gear early enough that I can drive to Natick tomorrow.

I didn't get much else done yesterday because I had a headache most of the day. I discovered a pinched nerve on the inside of my left shoulder blade last night which may have been causing the headache. The headache went away over night (I actually managed to get a decent night's sleep) but the pinched nerve is still bothering me. Being on the computer doesn't help any, so I'll have to find something else to do this afternoon or risk the headache returning. *shudder* Maybe I'll see if I can figure out how to download The Force Unleashed demo on the PS3. :)

I also haven't been keeping up with Star Wars lately. We haven't seen The Clone Wars movie yet and I have completely lost interest in books.

Oh - and aren't paid LJ accounts supposed to earn additional userpics every three months? I can't remember the last time I got a new slot, but it's been well over 6 months.

crafts, food, kitties, gifts, health, star wars, 501st, friends, books, livejournal

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