What a beautiful weekend!

Aug 17, 2008 10:04

Well, Friday night was a wet, soaking mess of a rainstorm, but after successfully navigating our way to Medford we had a fun evening of dogs, kitties, Chinese food, and D&D. My little thief got mind dominated by a vampire with a bad accent and equally bad sense of humor, but had fun misinterpreting his directions. Well, before she was tackled by our druid polar bear. Now she knows to keep her protection from evil up so she won't become an icky undead's puppet again.

Yesterday we slept in, since we didn't get home until about 2 am. The rainstorm that was predicted never came through, so we went out for a nice walk through Minuteman National Park. Note to self - next time take the Off! We made burgers for dinner, spent some time editing music to be uploaded to SlimServer, and then watched Pride and Prejudice. It was the newer one with Kiera Knightly, the blond Bond chick from Die Another Day and Donald Sutherland. I've been told the BBC version is better, but I thought this version was quite good. The BBC version is further down on our Netflix queue.

It's beautiful outside today too, and I had cantaloupe for breakfast. Yum!

food, movies, games, weather

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