(Last) week in review

Aug 04, 2008 13:49

It's been a while since I've sat at the computer long enough to get around to updating here. Sorry about that!

I finished sewing a new Imperial Officer's tunic last Friday, and wore it to Toys R Us that evening for their Clone Wars midnight toy release. No, I was not standing in line at midnight to buy toys. The 501st was asked to attend the event in costume to entertain - and I'm sure encourage - the silly people who did decide to buy toys at midnight on Friday. Photos here.

This past week I also sewed a new pair of pants to go with the new tunic. The old tunic and pants were based on a Simplicity Civil War costume pattern for men. Not so flattering for women, and the pants just have an elastic waist. My new pants fit really well - and so does the tunic - and have a zipper! These were based on two different patterns for a lady's suit, with some pretty major modifications. The jacket is view C from McCall's 4596. The pants are from the pattern I used for the skirt, McCalls 5063. Both patterns are tailored to fit my curves. I just have to finish hemming the pants, and then I can look into selling my old uniform. And posting photos. :)

Oh, and last Saturday was the 501st NEG picnic. Fun as always! Photos here.

We went to see the new Batman movie on Tuesday. The Showcase in Lowell has $6 movies on Tuesday evenings. The theater was much more packed that it had been the last Tuesday we went, but that was during the school year. The movie was good overall, but not nearly as good as the last one. Seems the Batman movies are continuing the trend of odd films being good and even films not being worth owning. This one was also way too long. Two villains in one movie? It totally should have ended with the set-up for the second one. And it was interesting to see that the director apparently had an aversion to acid, since I thought both of these villains had been "created" through accidental acid exposure. I was pleased with the good moral decisions at the end of the movie, but it wasn't quite enough to make up for the rest of the angst. In fact, I totally expected them to hold their own triggers, which the businessman would prove. I'm glad I was wrong.

The kittens are doing well. We had friends over on Saturday for D&D, and the kittens were very happy to climb into bags, onto laps, and around legs. They're so friendly and adorable! They were a bit over-stimulated that night, but otherwise very good. We've got a sitter lined up to care for them this weekend, since we'll be away for my brother-in-law's wedding. She's a local woman, and she'll come by each day to feed them, clean their litter, etc. And get our mail, too!

Oh, and yesterday was a moment that was so precious I totally wished I could have taken a picture. I was lying on my side on the couch, facing the back of the couch. My head was on the edge of the cushion, my body diagonal, and my knees pressed into the back of the couch. Kale was tucked underneath my left arm, sleeping soundly. Then Zane came over and snuggled up in the curve of my legs, behind my knees. So cute!!

This is a "need to do". I really hate shopping. I like getting new things, but I hate searching for them. Sajuka really needs some new work clothes, and I desperately need some new shorts. One pair is so old they are threadbare and holey, and I can't count the number of times I've replaced buttons on the fly. The other pair lost its button last week, and I lost it. The jean shorts have worn a threadbare patch through. I look like a pauper. I also have something to return to Pennys. I'm planning on going to Framingham tomorrow, and I think I'll hit Pennys, possibly Kohl's, Wal-mart for the cheap stuff, Bed, Bath and Beyond for various wedding gifts, and The Christmas Tree Shops, because those just rock and I need cheap furnishings. I also want to get some fabric and make pillows for the living room couch, though if Wal-Mart doesn't have anything I'll probably wait and hit JoAnn's at a later date.

Okay, I think that's all I can remember, for now at least.

501st, kitties, movies, shopping, costumes

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